Time to plan that family trip.

It’s the end of the summer we have one last chance for a family vacation before the school year begins again.  Besides homework, activity schedules, after school events, and school itself it seems to become more and more difficult to connect with our kids and enjoy shared experiences.  But what can we do to connect with our family and make memories that will last a lifetime?  And how can we do that in a way that won’t break the bank?

Money may be tight but there are still many possibilities to have some family friendly fun before the drudgery of the school year drags everyone back into routine.

Here are some suggestions for some end of summer vacations the whole family can experience together:

  • Cross country Visit:  Do you have friends/family throughout the country?  Why not plan a road trip?  Pick 1, 2, of 5 different people/families to visit and map out some sightseeing along the way!  The time in the car can be planned ahead and if you have any new drivers it’s a great time to give them a chance to practice!

  • Camping and Water Sports:  When was the last time anyone has gone camping?  How about a visit to the Appalachian Trail or the Shenandoah Mountains?  Perhaps 1 or 2 nights under the stars – and in a tent - is an opportunity to disconnect from technology and give your family a chance to experience something they may otherwise never try!

  • The Caribbean:  If you are willing to spend a couple of extra bucks and REALLY want to fly somewhere different, the Caribbean is a great time during the summer months.  Just use caution – it’s hurricane season and weather can be tricky during the later parts of summer.

  • Family Camping:  In an effort to bring back the memories parents have of camping there are several new opportunities to try camping – in cabins – with the family as a whole.  You still have all of the creature comforts of home (electricity, beds, showers, etc) but still get to try the camp and prank activities that you may have done as kids. 

  • Staycation:  What if we took away all responsibility at home and just enjoyed the time together?  What if you spent the cash you would have spent for a trip on hiring help – cleaning/cooking, etc. and just plan adventures with the family and without technology?  Hiking at the nearest park?  The theme park that you can drive to? And game night for the family. The choices are yours!

You will see the theme of any family vacation is the ability to spend time together.  We only have a precious few years with our children.  Why not use that time as a chance to bond and learn more about each other?
Have any other suggestions we could add to the list?  Share it in the comments below!


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