Couples Therapy.

couple happy in counseling


It's a common saying that we seem to forget to take care of what is right in front of us.  If one partner is facing personal challenges, how do you both – as a unit – face this? And how can you both, as a couple, move forward? What if it's a big career change? What if you both don't see eye to eye on future goals? What if trust has been compromised? How do you as a couple make the decision on where to go next?

Hope in Healing offers opportunities for couples to explore their relationship as well as come together and make decisions that will prove beneficial for both partners.  We respect each individual and work to make sure the voices of both people in the relationship are heard.  

With hectic schedules, work responsibilities, social obligations, and all, it seems more difficult than ever for couples to devote the necessary time to nurture their relationship. It may feel like you and your partner just noticed that things are not as “good” as they used to be and trying to find the way back may seem daunting.  If two people are willing to put the work into their relationship there is hope to begin a new positive and open chapter in each others lives.

Your session can even be as easy as a "mental physical" to make sure you both are on track.  Our team at Hope in Healing can assist couples in every stage of their relationship, from premarital counseling to recovering from past hurt, to forming new bonds. 

couple communicating in therapy session

What we can do.

Some areas we can offer assistance with couples include:

  • Communication 

  • Infidelity / Trust

  • Pre-marital counseling

  • Emotional Isolation

  • Cyber-cheating

  • Partnership goals

  • Regaining Trust

  • Mental Physical (for Couples)