Mental Physical

Hourglass for tracking an hour coaching session

It's so wonderful that doctors encourage an annual physical examination to make sure everything is functioning properly.  They want to confirm everything is functioning at it's best.  Annual checks ups are a smart idea for anything....   we get annual check ups for our bodies, our teeth, our a/c units, our cars....  

Yet we don't get an annual check up for our minds!  Wouldn't be great to have an opportunity to have a "check up" to make sure your thoughts are functioning well?

Healthy is in.

In a day when you hear so much about people struggling with challenges in life, couples having a hard time adjusting to changes, and family dynamics becoming so much  more complicated why not take some time to do some proactive treatment for yourself and your loved ones?  During a physical your doctor may give you suggestions on how to improve your overall health and discuss ways in which to be more healthy.  The same rule can be applied to conducting an annual mental check up!  

Be Proactive.

You may not need any counseling right now.  That's not what a mental physical is for.  This is an opportunity to be proactive with your mental health as you are with so many other areas of your life.  The Mental Physical is a product of the Hope in Healing team and it is created with the idea of proactive, annual check ups - a chance to check in with a therapist and make sure all is going as it should.

A Mental Physical  will take approximately two hours and review some general information about your past and present circumstances.  We use the  information collected to connect patterns in your life and relate it to the choices you have made.  You will work with a Life Coach or Systems Therapist to uncover, gather, and sort this information about yourself to discover things about your personal approach you may not even realize.

Roads open up for a mental physical
Proactive woman doing a mental physical
happy girl excited about mental physical


Figure out what makes you tick and use that to chart your next year’s goals!

couple attending couples mental physical


Understand how you both connect and based on your backgrounds create a plan on tackling the next stages of your relationshp.